News & Announcements

PHRF Championships August 17-18
Newport Beach

This year’s PHRF Championships will be in Newport Beach, sponsored by BCYC.  BCYC is also hosting a Windward/Leeward Tuneup Race on Sunday  July 28.  Come out and support your area, your club, and the sport of sailing!  Learn more on the event website.

Latest Changes to Rules

The rules were last updated in November, 2023.  You can find a summary of the changes and the latest rules document here.

Latest Regional Meeting Minutes

The April regional meeting minutes were posted here on June 28, starting the 7-day opposition period. A summary of the rating changes is posted to the right under “Rating Reviews.” Any opposition to these ratings should be addressed to the Fleet Secretary before the opposition window closes.

The agenda for upcoming regional meetings goes out in an email to members and subscribers about one week prior to the meeting date.  It is usually posted to the website a few days before the meeting.  You can find the latest agenda here.

To see all the regional agendas and minutes go to the archive here.

Latest Area Meeting Minutes

Area B Meeting on December 18, 2023 minutes are posted here.

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