Frequently Asked Questions


How do I join / how can I get a rating?
You’ve come to the right place. Start HERE.

Where do the ratings come from?
PHRF Ratings are based on speed potential and performance with “seconds per mile” (Time on Distance) used to express the Ratings. These ratings are based on Observed Performance, and are not created by a formula. The ratings are relative to one another and are set by a board of fellow racers and knowledgeable advisors. As they are based on Observed Performance, race results are key to getting things right.

I don’t think my rating is right. What’s the process to get it adjusted?
Start HERE. See #1

I dont think a competitor’s rating is right, what’s that process?
Start HERE. See #2 or #3

We have a comfortable Cruising boat, but are thinking about racing her. Can we really be competitive without spending a ton of money and/or changing the boat?
Yes! We have a program called Configuration Adjustments which takes many Cruising boat factors into account to help get you out and on the race-course. Start HERE.

What’s the difference between a Base Rating and an Area Rating?
The regional or “base” rating is valid all around SoCal. An Area Rating is only valid within that locality. Area ratings are to compensate for local conditions, which differ from the conditions that may exist in other areas of the Southern California region. For further info please see section 5 of the PHRF rulebook HERE.

How come some boats have more than one Rating?
So they can race with more than one configuration. Some boats have One Design (OD) under which they must honor their boat’s Class Rules. They may also choose to have a second rating for a PHRF configuration which likely has no weight limit, a larger genoa, and larger spinnaker for example.

We’re going to modify our boat, do I have to notify PHRF? How and when?
If you’re changing any of the data that PHRF has on file, you must report it. The form is HERE. Report it before you race with it, or you’re breaking the rules.

One of my competitors is sailing with/without something that’s on his/her rating certificate. What do we do?
Report it to the Race Committee with a Protest. They’re breaking a PHRF Class Rule, and should be disqualified from the race. Please see PHRF Rule 6.2 for exact info. Reporting it to PHRF after the race will not help!

I have other questions, and need some help getting started. Who can I call?
Start with your Area Board’s representative. They’ll help you get going, and answer your questions. You can find the contact list HERE.

I don’t know all the info that’s requested on the Application, what should I do?
Ah, a common problem… If you’ve got a fairly standard (unmodified) boat you can get much of the information by either a) searching our database for an identical boat, b) contacting the manufacturer, c) checking online. If the boat is modified, or non-standard in any way you’ll need to get actual measurements. Start with your sailmaker – they’re wonderful resources and can help guide you.

How can I learn more about PHRF and be a part of the backbone of SoCal racing?
There’s a ton of good info on the website under the About tab. If you love boats, racing boats and talking about boats then please consider volunteering. Start with your Area Rep (contact list HERE) and they’ll be happy to get you going.

What if I am a new owner of a previously racing boat in PHRF SoCal’s database?
First, review the last known rating certificate for the boat.  Seach by sail number HERE and search by boat name  HERE. Then please complete and submit a NEW APPLICATION.   As you fill out that form, be sure that the boat measurements and sail types and measurements are accurate, and include any changes to the boat or sails that you’re making.  You probably won’t need a rating review, and your boat will be assigned a rating pretty quickly.  If the boat does need a rating review, and you need a rating quickly, you can apply for a 120 day Temporary Rating HERE.